Friday, February 8, 2013

How to improve focus with Al-Quran

1. Make an appointment with Al-Quran
2. Read to understand/teach
3. Ask question / make dua as you read.
4. Embark in memorization journey.

7 practical tips to beat procrastination

1. Find out why you procrastinate + take action!
2. Approach the task as a professional.
3. Apply the Pomodoro Technique.
4. Remove ALL distraction (disconnect).
5. Public pledge.
6. Tackle your work early in the morning.
7. Dua Dua Dua!


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Youtube Reply

In regard to this link

"We Muslim here are not expert nor scholar,but I suggest you to continue your serious study and searching on Islam & its belief nature.Then you can compare how Islam is so enormously different from Christianity in terms of salvation. In short answer,salvation in Islam is approved by embracing Islam as the way of life..Honestly we cannot restrict ur approach,so as a 'Muslim to be' start reading first on e Quran. Start by questioning how can this (i.e Quran) be a word of God.Critically deals with that first. :)"